8" butter cake (recipe adapted from @grandbabycakes); blackberry buttercream; topped with a trio of significant flowers... Although perceived as a symbol of rest and relaxation today, traditionally chamomile signified energy in adversity. Nasturtium represents victory in conquest because of its bright orange color and the shape of its foliage, resembling a shield. And finally, yellow yarrow reminding us to give energy to our healing process.
Thunder Cakes for our times.CHOCOLATE (seduces mood and relieves stress) Tomato Cake w/ ROSEMARY (enhances memory & concentration) ganache adorned with sliced Santa Rosa PLUMS (a “complex hybrid” developed by California plant breeder Luther Burbank in the late 1800’s), LEMON VERBENA (fragrant leaves packed in handkerchiefs were said to reduce tension and relieve one from the summer heat when inhaled from heat) and BORAGE (the Romans would mix borage tea and wine prior to combat to fortify themselves for battle).
Lemon-lavender-poppy seed cake w/ strawberry rhubarb buttercream, lemon curd and calendula “confetti”
LEMONS bc this month has handed us enough of them to make curd POPPY SEEDS bc the poppy petals have dropped but left us their pods of seeds which have a natural affinity for lemon and are a long-standing symbol of remembrance. RHUBARB bc it’s technically a vegetable; its intense sourness must be countered with sufficient sweetness. LAVENDER bc it has been proven to calm a restless mind and reduce stress/mild pain. CALENDULA bc it is a digestive ally with an antibacterial ability to heal wounds. STRAWBERRY bc it wears its seeds on the outside and legend has it that when two people split a strawberry, they’ll fall in love.
SEPTEMBER ‘Some Days Honey, Some Days Onion’ CAKE FOR DEMOCRACY
Fennel (for healing and purification), honey (for sweet collaborations and self preservation) cake with apple (to keep the doctors away/doing what they are already busy doing ie.saving lives 🙏) butter, coffee (c/o @pinholecoffeefor intellectual awareness) buttercream, topped with gem marigolds (“herb of the sun” for some lemon-scented cheerfulness), allium (because onions might make us cry, but the flower signifies unity, humility, patience + good fortune and we sure could use a bit of that right now)
SEPTEMBER ‘Some Days Honey, Some Days Onion’ CAKE FOR DEMOCRACY
topper: a tiny 🐅 amidst it all (to ward off any harm and assure safekeeping.) The tiny 🐅 topper is not edible, I’m sorry to say, but once the cake gets eaten, you’ll have this tiny tiger to remind you to vote in November; amidst it all.
OCTOBER ‘Time For Love’ CAKE
Pistachio cake with fig jam and last-of-the-seasons-strawberries-rose buttercream adorned with garden rose and sunflower petals, dusted with pistachio powder and “disco” glitter. One minute smile timer on top…a good exercise/reminder from friend, collaborator, artist, Susan O’Malley, “to try to smile every day, even on the days when we least want to.” Here is a list of Ingredients and their significance:
The sound of cracking open a PISTACHIO is thought to clear the air of negativity while the pistachio itself looks like it’s smiling . It reminds us to harmonize our needs with our resources, which allows us to be more generous with ourselves and others. Their appearance indicates a time of balance and generosity that encourages both giving and receiving. FIG seeds, delicate and abundant, signify universal understanding, unity, and truth. Tiny specks, unified in their purpose of creating more life, a mass of purpose encourages us to look for new openings in life and to consciously co-create for the greater good. ROSE Used for hundreds of years to convey messages without words. A rose can say a lot of things. SUNFLOWERS
have the ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy DISCO GLITTER Magic.
Benefitting Fair Fight Action (@fairfightaction), Black Voters Matter Fund (@blackvotersmtr), the New Georgia Project (@newgeorgiaproject) & more!
Gingerbread cake w/ spiced persimmons, salted caramel buttercream, yellow flowers, candied ginger, persimmon a pinch of turmeric and a California sage bundle topper.
Gingerbread cake w/ spiced persimmons, salted caramel buttercream (bc sweet & salty), topped with last of the yellow petals from the garden), candied ginger (loaded w/ nutrients & bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain), persimmon (symbolizing transformation...as the fruit matured matures, it becomes sweet and indicates wisdom that follows transformation), a pinch of turmeric (bc that color!) and a California sage bundle (a ritual to treat with honor and respect...helps clear negative energy and set intention.)